"Accessible, foundational, practical ... Lise Wolff's Three Seasons Herb Program will introduce and equip any student to be a real herbalist." ~ John Hauser, Three Seasons Graduate

Three Seasons is an herb program using a practical and fun series of 22 herb classes that actually follows the cycles of the seasons, as well the growth and development of common, accessible medicinal trees, shrubs and plants around you.

I have practiced herbalism full-time since 1996 and have gathered common and available plants that many traditionally perceived as weeds, to stock my pharmacy. Seeing that these amazing plants were being ignored--and that folks even seemed afraid to gather and use them--motivated me to teach my Year Long Herb Program, 3 Seasons of Herbal Wisdom, in-person, to 27 groups of herb students.

Whether you’re already in clinical practice and want to grow your skills or are simply wishing for deeper (or any!) knowledge of plants to care for those near and dear to you, this program promises to meet you where you’re at and expand your knowledge and decision-making skills. This class series focuses on common and accessible plants growing in your backyard and pretty much anywhere you walk.

Join anytime! Pre-recorded classes allow students to work through content at their own pace. You will have plenty of access to me through live, monthly discussion sessions. A community forum, in which I also participate, provides a place to meet and talk to other 3 Seasons students of all levels. I do feel confident you will be entertained and engaged!

What's included with enrollment?

Students will receive LIFETIME ACCESS to the following:

  • A view of the world that leaves you feeling that it is full of abundance and that your friends
  • surround you everywhere you go!
  • 125+ hours of recorded class materials. Join a classroom of students as you and they receive an amazing amount of detailed information, clearly explained, as we cycle through the seasons together.
  • In-depth lectures on 40+ different plants, with many more herbs in ‘supporting roles’
  • A focus on plants that grow abundantly all over North America and Europe
  • Lessons on how to prepare and use flower essences, how they compare to herbs and how they can be included in your herbal practice
  • Careful instruction on identification, harvesting and crafting your remedies
  • Careful instruction on how to use the remedies on real live beings (mostly human)
  • Regular slideshows with detailed photos of plants in many stages of growth, to support plant identification
  • Access to a community forum to connect with fellow students and Lise
  • Monthly online discussion sessions held live on Zoom
  • The opportunity to meet in-person with Lise and other 3 Seasons students, to be held 2 weekends each year beginning in 2025, to work with pulse testing, tongue diagnosis, plant ID and more.

"Thank you for putting the hybrid class together!"

"I am fascinated by what I am learning! Thank you for putting the hybrid class together! It is clear that a lot of energy, thought, heart & humor was put into developing it! I enjoy the class conversations and find the students asking questions that have popped in my head as well. I am grateful to be learning from you & the other herbalists in the Three Seasons Community!"  

Nichole Hester, Current Online Three Seasons Student  

What makes this a hybrid program?

So much regular interaction with me and Three Seasons students, past and present (if you want)

-Email reminders of which classes to watch now, updates on when new bonus material is added, and when our monthly discussions are coming up

-Comment section where you can ask me questions about the videos, as you view them

-A monthly live Zoom discussion the first of every month

-A private community on the Mighty Network, where students can ask questions, tell stories, or share what they are harvesting, with me and other students, past and present

-You are welcome to email me to get help with a complicated herb situation, or maybe we just talk over the phone!

-An invitation to sit in on some clients with me, to hone your diagnostic skills, such as pulse testing and tongue evaluation

-Optional, In-person get togethers every year.

2025 we will meet June 7-8th and August 16th-17th

Lifetime access to all of these opportunities, as long as Three Seasons remains online

"...something I wish I had done as a young man."

I have devoted my adult life to the study & practice of professional health care. I have studied with quite a few herbalists and doctors who use herbal medicine. Lise Wolff is the finest herb teacher I have had. Taking Lise Wolff’s Three Seasons Herb Program is something I wish I had done as a young man before acquiring my nursing, naturopathic medicine and oriental medicine degrees because what Lise Wolff conveys in her herb course is accessible, foundational, and practical. Knowing the local plants’ distinct qualities, habitat, properties, and personalities as neighbors, medicines, and legends, Lise Wolff presents information in three dimensions to students. She introduces the possibility of reading a person’s condition and introducing the specific, appropriate local plant medicine to heal disease to novice lay people and health care professionals alike. Lise Wolff’s Three Seasons Herb Program will introduce and equip any student to be a real herbalist.

"'There is no greater service a man can render to his country than to introduce a useful plant into its culture." ~Thomas Jefferson

The same holds true for most any individual student who would take this introduction to herbal medicine."

John Hauser, RN, ND (Bastyr), OMD, LAc

"Since studying with Lise, all of that previous knowledge is falling into an orderly, useable place"

I've been studying herbalism for ~15 years, and so often the courses have left me feeling overwhelmed and out of my depth. Since learning with Lise, all of that previous knowledge is falling into an orderly, usable place. Her classes have helped me refine my understanding of when to use which herb, by focusing on the whole person and the signatures of the plants through detailed plant walks. I've never been one for rote memorization, and her intuitive approach makes herbalism accessible wherever you are in your learning journey.

Learning from a practicing herbalist, with years of seeing what works and what doesn't with clients, is so incredibly valuable. Lise gives you the tools to test remedies and to evaluate those you are trying to help, so that you can practice with confidence and improve your outcomes. She has made herself available and truly wants her students to get as much clarity from their learning as possible. I can't really say enough good things about this course - it has definitely changed my direction and I am so very thankful that Lise has made her knowledge available online.

Shanon Hilton, Herbalist & Homeschooling Mom, Saskatchewan Canada

What's special about Three Seasons?

"Three Seasons" is the heart of my teaching work. I launched this online class to share everything I know from almost 30 years of full-time practice. Not just how I do it, but how you can get there yourself, without going through all the meandering I did.

This course will instill
confidence and encourage students to start using the plants that they are learning, or already know, regardless of how long they’ve been studying. We will also study the how of herbalism - how to:

  • Identify the plants we encounter
  • Learn directly from the plants around us (rather than only from books)
  • Decide which remedy is best
  • Pick the right dosage
  • Know if it's ever the wrong time to use herbs
  • Discern what we read - online or in books, and
  • Build herbs into our daily lives!

From nitty-gritty medicine making basics to big picture applications, students will learn through a series of pre-recorded classes that follow the changing seasons of the Herbalist's calendar year.

The lessons begin in early January, while the plants are still seemingly dormant, and continue until mid-November, when they once again go back to sleep. Classes come every 2-3 weeks, observing how plants change as they grow, learning the correct plant parts used for medicine making and appropriate harvesting timelines throughout each season.

Learn anywhere, anytime, at your own pace, rewatching as often as you like. Class segments are broken into 10-40 minute "bite size" pieces to more easily integrate into everyone's busy lives!

"Three Seasons was the catalyst that helped me to identify and nurture ...my life's passion."

"Lise's Three Seasons Class was the catalyst that helped me to identify and nurture what has become my life's passion: helping others through herbal medicine. After taking several of Lise's one-time classes, I became intrigued with herbs, and decided to take the plunge, investing my time and money in her Three Seasons Class. Best. Investment. Ever.

The Three Seasons class I was part of included people with many levels of experience and knowledge. I was definitely one of the beginner-level students and wondered what I had gotten myself into! However, Lise is a master teacher — so good at explaining details, making sure everyone understands and feels included in the discussions and activities.

I have always been an avid gardener and soon began planting a wide variety of medicinal plants in my yard and gardens. Lise occasionally brings classes to my gardens, so I have had a continuing opportunity to listen in on her teaching. Every time, I learn something new or am reminded of information that had slipped from my memory. I am excited with the opportunity to have lifetime access to her material so I can continue to listen and learn — and re-learn — with the convenience of online access anytime and anywhere.

Finally, the long-term benefit that I most appreciate has been Lise's ongoing support whenever I have questions or a new discovery to share. Priceless.

Luann Raadt, Gardener & Herbalist, Northfield, Minnesota

So you're considering Three Seasons...

Let me tell you a little bit about it!

Explore the Curriculum!

Make sure to tap on the arrow below to see the full curriculum for the 22 (!) classes. Additional material added regularly

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Additional Bits and Pieces
Available in days
days after you enroll
  December 1st 2024 Recording of Our Monthly Discussion
Available in days
days after you enroll
  January 1st 2025 Recording of Our Monthly Q and A/ Discussion
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 1- January 7th
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 2- January 21st
Available in days
days after you enroll
  February 1st 2024 Monthly Q and A Recording
Available in days
days after you enroll
  February 1st 2025 Monthly Live Zoom Q and A/ Discussion Link
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 3- February 4th
Available in days
days after you enroll
  February 29, 2024 Monthly Q and A Recording
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 4- February 25th
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 5- March 18th
Available in days
days after you enroll
  April 1st 2024 Monthly Q and A Recording
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 6- April 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 7- April 22nd
Available in days
days after you enroll
  May 1st 2024 Monthly Q and A Recording
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 8- May 6th
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 9-May 20th
Available in days
days after you enroll
  June 1st 2024 Monthly Q and A Recording
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 10- June 3rd
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 11- June 10th
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 12- June 24th
Available in days
days after you enroll
  July 7th 2024 Monthly Q and A Recording
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 13- July 8th
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 14- July 22nd
Available in days
days after you enroll
  August 1st 2024 Link to Live Monthly Q and A 7pm CST
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 15- August 5th
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 16- August 19th
Available in days
days after you enroll
  September 1st 2024 Recording of Our Monthly Discussion
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 17- September 9th
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 18- September 23rd
Available in days
days after you enroll
  October 1st 2024 Recording of Our Monthly Discussion
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 19- October 7th
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 20- October 28th
Available in days
days after you enroll
  November 1st 2024 Recording of Our Monthly Discussion
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 21- November 4th
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 22- November 18th: The Final Class
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus Material To Be Added
Available in days
days after you enroll

Think you can't learn to identify plants online?

Let's see what you think...

A Sample Slideshow

(The best way to view this slideshow is with a bigger screen than your phone!)

Keep in mind this slideshow is from April 1st 2024. The snow has cleared, revealing baby plants to begin identifying through the growing season. The students have been learning about trees and shrubs since January and collecting some barks for medicine!

Join Today!

Once you sign up, you’ll have immediate access to all of the classes that have been released since January 7th of this year, as well as the Three Seasons Community forum (on the Mighty Network app) and our live monthly discussion sessions on Zoom, with new classes shared every two weeks or so through November (2024). Additional material will be added each year, as relevant and interesting topics arise. All this will belong to you forever.

PLEASE NOTE: Former graduates of an in-person Three Seasons class receive a special discount. Please email [email protected] for details.

"Lise's class engages all learning styles..."

Lise's class engages all learning styles through listening to her lectures and taking notes, sensing, tasting and touching each plant in person or looking at them in detailed photos. She also includes many case histories of where a plant has helped a person, giving specific indications, or an overall personality profile of a person and a plant together, in addition to the research data of a plant or it’s actions. This helps engage both the right and left brain for those who either thrive in an analytical environment or for those who find a social experience the key for remembering information. Lise encourages you to think on your own and come up with your own answers to your own questions before providing you with her opinion. Lise is personable, but not an easy teacher. She inspires you to think on your own and put your knowledge into practice.

Kristin Whatton, Herbalist, Esthetician, Mother, Bloomington, Minnesota

"Profound respect and appreciation..."

"The Three Seasons of Herbal Wisdom was an experience so fulfilling, I left wanting more after every class. Lise offers in-depth and thorough lessons, ones that include her experience and skill, implementing space for curiosity and wonder. Teaching in a way that allows you to become personal with the plants, giving meaning and a deep understanding of their medicines, each lesson immerses you. She explains comprehensively the doctrine of signatures, tongue evaluation and pulse testing, making it easily applicable while allowing plenty of opportunities to practice the knowledge and skill. She offers herself as an indispensable resource, both in class and outside of it.

I completed my courses with Lise equipped with passion and love for our plant allies, confidence in my ability to work with plants, and a profound respect and appreciation for the woman who teaches their medicine."

Geri Boyd, Mother, Herbalist, PCA, Saint Paul, Minnesota

A returning student's praise...

"Seriously, I have done so many herbal studies over the years, since doing your class, just because I love to keep learning and have never gotten as much out of them as I did yours! The way you practice is just so much more realistically accessible for both practitioner and client. Drop doses are easy for people to take and quite honestly, I feel like making tinctures and flower essences from scratch and pulse testing creates deeper relationships with the plants than any other method I know of. There is no other way of practicing that I have experienced in which the plants actually teach me so much. Feelings changes in the pulse, tissues, energy field, etc., as the plants are tested is so much fun!"

Mellie Artema, M.Ac., Dipl.Ac. (NCCAOM), Somatic Therapist, Craniosacral Therapist and Herbalist

LuAnn Raadt, Former Three Seasons Student, Tells How She Became an Herbalist

LuAnn Raadt took Three Seasons of Herbal Wisdom about 14 years ago. She has a U-Pick Medicinal Garden, as well as practicing and teaching herbalism. Here she tells the story of her journey from pre-herbalist to having a wonderful herbal community in her town of Northfield Minnesota.

Connie Karstens, Former Three Seasons Student, Tells How She Became an Herbalist

Connie Karstens practices and teaches herbalism in Hutchinson Minnesota. She took Three Seasons of Herbal Wisdom about 20 years ago. Here she details her journey from pre-herbalist to having an herbal empire (my words, not her's)

"It was not my intention to become a professional herbal practitioner or even an herbalist for that matter."

"I am very grateful for opportunity to have taken Lise Wolff’s Three Seasons herb class. When I signed up for Three Seasons it was not my intention to become a professional herbal practitioner or even a herbalist for that matter.

At the time, I had a growing curiosity for more natural type remedies for personal use as well as an interest in wild edibles. I always had a love for nature and thought this class would be a good fit in trying to learn more about that the local plants. I had no idea how this class would change my way of thinking so much…it gave me a different way of seeing the natural world around me. There were no more “weeds” but plants that became friends and were willing to help if you listened to them. I know… sounds weird…but take this class and you will understand.

Lise teaches through storytelling as well as gives facts and studies to back up what she is saying. Years after taking the class I still have Lise’s stories pop into my head reminding me of an herb to try for certain ailments that come up.

We have used herbs around our house on countless of occasions with great benefit and there have been so many times I heard things like “I need some yarrow” or “can I have some elderflower tea?”.

Lise, if you are reading this... I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have given me and you are truly a blessing to all people and plants that have come across your path."

Barry Hartman, Herbalist, Dad, Entrepreneur, Minnetrista, Minnesota