Welcome Letter
Welcome to the plant walks! Through these videos, you will walk alongside me as I introduce you to the trees and shrubs that commonly surround you before the trees have grown leaves. So, very early spring. This is the time of year when we might harvest barks as medicine. But that information will be available in the plant walks early next March. This walk, we just start to learn how to recognize and name the trees and shrubs.
Getting to know the trees, shrubs and plants around you is like meeting people. At first you learn their names and notice features that might help you recognize them next time. Next time you see them, you might learn a little more about them, and so on, and so forth, until they are friends....or at least friendly acquaintances.
I have chosen to enter the material, for your viewing, in the order that we would have walked through the neighborhood, rather than alphabetizing the material. I felt it was more realistic than walking down the street, or in the park, you encounter different trees and shrubs along the journey, in a seemingly random order. And the information within this walk builds on itself, as will the later segments of the plant walks, as they are released.
These first recordings had inferior audio. You can still understand what I am saying, but you might have to listen past the static sometimes. Eventually we learned how to fix that.
In two weeks you will be able to meet the baby plants just beginning to emerge in this very early period of the spring. I will notify you when the next chapter in your plant education is ready.
Always remember, you can tap on the comment box and ask a question or leave a comment. I always appreciate hearing what you think and if you have any suggestions to improve the experience.
Let's go for a walk!