What is that ??

Who are you ?

Do you ever walk through the woods and wonder "What is that plant?" Do you wonder if you can eat it? Or if it is used medicinally? Then this class is for you! In this class we will look at the uses of different famous and not so famous plants.

Spring Ephemerals are Emerging

The Woodland Plants are emerging before the leaves on the trees form a canopy to block the sunlight. Trillium, Bloodroot, Wild Ginger, Blue Cohosh, False and Real Solomon Seal and so many more (see the curriculum below)! Early in the spring, many plants are edible that later in the growing season will be too tough to eat. This is the time that many flowers can be turned into flower essences. Others have roots perfect for harvest. This class captures them at this early spring moment, Entertainment abounds as we touch, smell and taste our way through the woods and discuss the uses of the plants at this phase in their growth.

Preview Course Curriculum

  Set 1
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  Set 2
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  Set 3
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  Spring: May!
Available in days
days after you enroll

Here is a Taste of the Fun

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